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Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Base Major)
2020-11-26 16:13     (点击:)

OverviewMathematics and applied mathematicsbase majorapproved as a national first-class undergraduate major (2019), Zhejiang Province’s "13th Five-Year" dominant major (2016), was founded by NBU’s foundation, with a Nonlinear Science Research Center, a mathematical laboratory, a big data technology laboratory and a mathematical modeling laboratory.

The mathematics discipline has primary doctoral program (several sub-leveled specialities included) and primary master program of mathematics. It is awarded as the Provincial 12th Five-Year Key Discipline, Ningbo Municipal Key Discipline (Level A) and in the fourth group of Key Discipline of Ningbo’s universities. Among the faculty are a group of key teachers including winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, New Century Outstanding Talents of MOE, National Outstanding Teachers, and Famous Teaching Teachers of Zhejiang Province. This major has formed a cultivation system that base-oriented, education-oriented, application-oriented and international-oriented for mathematical and statistical teaching and research with all stages of academic degree.

Cultivation target:this major aims to cultivate senior talents with a solid foundation, wide range of knowledge, strong ability, innovative spirit and practical ability. In the future, they shall be able to engage in research and teaching work in the science and technology, education and economic sectors or engage in practical applications in the production and management companies and management departments , Development, research and management.

Employment:after graduation, in addition for further education (students can choose to continue to study mathematics, and can also choose to study in applied majors that require a deeper foundation in mathematics). The main fields of employment for students are: education, banking and insurance, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, Institutions, civil servants, etc. There are sub-leveled majors like theoretical modules, economic mathematics modules, and computer application modules. Over the years, the acceptance rate of graduates is very high. Among the 2020 graduates, 57.14% of students obtained Master degree in famous universities like Washington University in St. Louis, Zhejiang University, and Beijing Normal University,etc. The employment situation of this major is good and the employment rate is high. The students trained in this major have a solid foundation, strong plasticity, and great development potential. They can use the basic position of mathematics in science and technology to meet the different requirements of various industries.

Contact Person:Mr.LUO


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