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Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Normal Major)
2020-11-25 00:35     (点击:)

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Normal Major) has about sixty years in training talents of teacher education. It is one of the earliest majors established by the School. It is now a national first-class undergraduate major construction site and the advantage major of Zhejiang Provincial "13th Five-Year" Plan; its mathematics discipline received a master's degree in basic mathematics in 2001, a master's degree in applied mathematics in 2006; a primary doctoral program and a primary master's program in mathematics in 2018, with multiple sub-leveled specialities.It is awarded as the Provincial 12th Five-Year Key Discipline, Ningbo Municipal Key Discipline (Level A) and in the fourth group of Key Discipline of Ningbo’s universities. Among the faculties are a group of key teachers including winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, New Century Outstanding Talents of MOE, National Outstanding Teachers, and Famous Teaching Teachers of Zhejiang Province.

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