报告时间:2024年3月8日 下午15:30开始
报 告 人:Yuto Moriwaki(RIKEN 研究员)
报告题目:Braided tensor category and vertex operator algebra with examples
报告摘要:From representations of a vertex operator algebra, D-modules (conformal blocks) on configuration spaces are constructed. We show from the operad structure on the configuration spaces that their monodromy have the structure of a braided tensor category. This provides another proof of the Huang-Lepowsky's result. In this talk, I will illustrate this proof based on concrete examples and explain its application to extensions of chiral/full vertex operator algebras.
报告人简介: Yuto Moriwaki,RIKEN,研究员。主要研究方向为量子场论的数学结构。定义了full vertex algebra。在 Adv. Math., Sel. Math. New Ser,Math. Z.等国际知名杂志发表多篇高水平论文。