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甬江数学讲坛420讲(2024年第6讲)-- Chiral quantisation of symplectic resolution
2024-03-06 13:00     (点击:)

报告时间:202438 下午14:00开始

人:Moller Sven(汉堡大学 助理教授


报告题目:Chiral quantisation of symplectic resolution

报告摘要:For each complex reflection group G one can consider a canonical symplectic singularity M_G. In this work, motivated by the 4D/2D duality in physics (Beem et al.), we initiate a programme to study "chiral" quantisations of resolutions of singular symplectic varieties, given as Nakajima quiver varieties. We consider the special case of G=S_N acting on the affine plane. The corresponding singularity is resolved by the N-point Hilbert scheme H_N of the plane. We construct a sheaf of vertex algebras on H_N, whose global sections quantise M_{S_N}, in analogy to the quantisation result by Kashiwara and Rouquier in the "classical" setting. This is joint work with Tomoyuki Arakawa and Toshiro Kuwabara.

报告人简介:Moller Sven,汉堡大学,助理教授。主要研究方向为表示论,数论,数学物理。完全分类了中心电荷为24 holomorphic VOA,并且解决了著名的Schelleken猜想。在 Ann. of math., J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crellr’s Journal) 等国际顶尖期刊上发表高水平论文。主持领导Emmy-Noether Junior Research Group

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