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甬江数学讲坛383 讲(2023年第59讲)- Kelvin transforms and the asymptotic analysis
2023-10-21 17:02     (点击:)

报告题目:Kelvin transforms and the asymptotic analysis

报 告 人:韩青(美国Notre Dame大学 教授)

会议时间:20231023 10:00开始  

会议地点:9号楼 113报告厅

报告摘要:It is well-known that the Kelvin transform plays an important role in studying harmonic functions. With the Kelvin transform, the study of harmonic functions near infinity is equivalent to studying the transformed harmonic functions near the origin. In this talk, we will demonstrate that the Kelvin transform also plays an important role in studying asymptotic behaviors of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations near infinity. We will study solutions of the minimal surface equation, the Monge-Ampere equation, and the special Lagrange equation and prove an optimal decomposition of solutions near infinity.

报告人简介:韩青,美国圣母大学数学系终身教授、非线性偏微分方程和几何分析国际著名专家。获美国Sloan Research Fellowship。在等距嵌入、Monge-Ampere方程、调和函数的零点集和奇异集、退化方程等方面做出了一系列原创性的重要研究成果。发表在 Comm. Pure Appl. Math. Geom. Funct. Anal. Duke Math. J. J. Differential Geom.等国际顶级期刊上。


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