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2023-09-12 13:28     (点击:)

报告时间:2023104 16:30开始

人:Allan Lo(伯明翰大学 副教授)

报告地点:腾讯会议线上 532-594-856

报告题目:Finding (many) Hamilton cycles in robust expanders

报告摘要:The notion of robust expansion was first developed in the late 2000s to answer a question of Thomassen from 1979 on the minimum semidegree threshold for the existence of directed Hamilton cycle in oriented graphs. Since then, it has played a central role in the solution of several conjectures involving the packing of Hamilton cycles in graphs and directed graphs. In this talk, I will discuss some key properties of robust expansion and how they were used to prove some longstanding conjectures.

报告人简介:Allan Lo,英国伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)数学学院副教授。博士毕业于英国剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)。当前主要从事极值图论的研究。在Memoirs of the American Mathematical SocietyAdvances in MathematicsProceedings of the London Mathematical SocietyJournal of Combinatorial Theory Series AJournal of Combinatorial Theory Series BCombinatoricaJournal of Graph TheorySIAM Journal on Discrete MathematicsCombinatorics, Probability and ComputingRandom Structures & Algorithm等著名期刊上发表论文40多篇。多次获得EPSRC项目资助。2021年获得美国数学会与美国数学优化学会联合颁发的富尔克森奖(Fulkerson Prize)。

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