报告题目:Halpern Iteration and Applications in Variational Inequalities and Minimax Problems
报 告 人:徐洪坤(杭州电子科技大学 教授)
报告时间:2023年05月27日 上午9:30开始
报告摘要:Halpern iteration method, a fixed point algorithm introduced by Halpern in 1967, has extensively been studied. An advantage lies in its strong convergence even in an infinite-dimensional space. Its recent applications in machine learning such as generative adversarial nets (GANs) made Halpern's method revived as a heated topic in the algorithmic approaches to fixed-point and optimization problems. In this talk we will report some of the recent progresses on the Halpern's anchoring iteration method and then apply it to variational inequalities and convex-concave minimax problems in the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space framework.