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2023-04-17 14:24     (点击:)

报告时间:2023420  15:00 开始

人:王敬萍(英国肯特大学 教授)


报告题目:PreHamiltonian, Hamiltonian and Nijenhuis difference operators

报告摘要:A difference operator is called preHamiltonian if its image is a Lie subalgebra with respect to the Lie bracket of evolutionary vector fields on a difference field. Two preHamiltonian operators form a preHamiltonian pair if any linear combination of them is preHamiltonian. In this talk we explore the connections of preHamiltonian operators with Hamiltonian and Nijenhuis operators. We then illustrate these theoretic results to integrable differential-difference equations including the Toda, the Ablowitz-Ladik and the Kaup-Newell equations and a discrete Sawada-Kotera equation proposed by Adler & Postnikov in 2011.

This is the joint work with S. Carpentier and A.V. Mikhailov and mainly based on papers: S. Carpentier, A.V. Mikhailov and J.P. Wang. Rational recursion operators for integrable differential-difference equations. Commun. Math. Phys. 370(3): 807-851, 2019. S. Carpentier, A.V. Mikhailov and J.P. Wang. PreHamiltonian and Hamiltonian operators for differential-difference equations. Nonlinearity 33 (3), 915-941, 2020.

报告人简介:Jing Ping Wang obtained her PhD at Free University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is a professor in Applied Mathematics at the University of Kent, UK. Her research is focused on both continuous and discrete integrable systems, in particular, their symmetries, conservation laws and exact solutions, and classification problems.

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