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2023-03-15 16:56     (点击:)

报告题目:Finsler warped product metrics

报 告 人:莫小欢 (北京大学 教授)

会议时间:2023年3月22日  10:00开始  

会议地点:9号楼 113报告厅

报告摘要:In this lecture we discuss the warped structures of Finsler metrics. We obtain the differential equation that characterizes the Finsler warped product metrics with vanishing Douglas curvature. By solving this equation, we obtain all Finsler warped product Douglas metrics. Some new Douglas Finsler metrics of this type are produced by using known spherically symmetric Douglas metrics. We also discuss a class of Finsler warped product metrics with quadratic Weyl curvature. We give necessary and sufficient conditions of such metrics to be of quadratic Weyl curvature which are non-trivial in the sense that these metrics are not of Weyl type, refining a theorem due to Gabrani-Sevim-Shen. As its application, we construct infinitely many {\em new} non-trivial W-quadratic Finsler warped product metrics.


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