报告题目:Uniqueness for inverse conductivity scattering problem from the fixed frequency data
报 告 人:杨家青 (西安交通大学 教授)
会议时间:2023年3月17日 10:00开始
会议地点:9号楼 113报告厅
报告摘要:This talk is concerned with the inverse scattering problem of recovering an inhomogenous penetrable obstacle with a conductive boundary condition. The well-posedness of the scattering problem is first established in Lp spaces, and the singularity of solutions is then illustrated in detail by using the integral equation method. Finally, some new uniquenees results are shown i.e., the inhomogenous obstacle can be uniquely recovered by the acoustic far-field pattern at one fixed frequencys and some physical coefficients can be partially determined by the same mearsuremens.
教授/博导,研究方向为反问题的数学理论与计算方法,在Inverse Problems, SIAM J. Appl. Math., SIAM J. Numer. Anal., SIAM J. Sci. Comput., SIAM J. Imaging Sci., J. Differential Equations, Inverse Problems and Imaging等国际期刊发表论文30余篇。曾获得国家“优青”项目的资助、中国工业与应用数学学会“应用数学青年科技奖”、陕西省百人计划青年项目。