报告题目:Boundary stabilization for 1-D Hyperbolic Systems
报 告 人:尚培培(同济大学 教授)
会议时间:2022/12/2 8:30开始
报告摘要:We demonstrate how control boundary conditions may be defined for the most commonly used control devices. The talk also includes a detailed case study on the control of navigable rivers, using the Meuse River in Belgium, to illustrate the main technological features that may occur in real live applications of boundary feedback control.
报告人简介:尚培培,同济大学数学科学学院教授、博士生导师,2012法国巴黎第六大学获得理学博士学位,师从 Jean Michel Coron 院士。 研究方向为双曲型偏微分方程的控制理论,特别是由偏微分方程支配系统的能控性与能稳性问题,相关论文发表在SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Journal of Differential Equation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences等国际一流期刊。主持国家自然科学基金多项, 2013 入选上海市浦江人才计划 , 2007年获得刘钧数学纪念奖,主讲同济大学精品课程复变函数和积分变换。