报告题目:A Two-phase Image Dejittering Approach on the Perspective of Mixed Noise Removal
报 告 人:张文星 (电子科技大学 教授)
报告时间:2022年11月18日 19:30开始
报告摘要:The jittery image, which is visually abnormal in the jags of edge and loss of coherence, arises commonly from the area of wireless video transmission and multimedia data compression. In this talk, we are devoted to the pixel-jitter (possibly blurry) image recovery on the perspective of mixed noise removal. By viewing a jittery image as the contamination of ideal image with spatially-varying Gaussian and impulse noise, we proposed a two-phase (including filtering and diffusing phases) approach for recovering pixel-jitter image. At filtering phase, the outliers posed by jittery process in the vicinity of edges are inhibited and inspected by median filters. At diffusing phase, a structure tensor based anisotropic diffusion model is exploited to reduce the spatially-varying perturbations in piecewise smooth image region. The anisotropic diffusion model can be efficiently solved with all subproblems admitting closed-form solutions.
报告人简介:张文星,电子科技大学数学科学学院副教授,2012年于南京大学数学系获得博士学位。曾于法国图卢兹大学、香港浸会大学等高校从事博士后/访问交流。研究兴趣为最优化理论与算法、变分不等式及其应用。现主持国家自然科学基金项目一项。在Math Comput, SIAM J Imag Sci, Inverse Problems, J Sci Comput, IEEE 系列等杂志发表论文二十余篇。