报告题目:Enhanced dissipation for 2D Couette flow
报 告 人:赵威任 (纽约大学阿布扎比分校 助理教授)
会议时间:2022年11月17日 14:00开始
会议地点:腾讯会议 150-448-195
报告摘要:The study of stability and instability of shear flow is an active field. The most important mechanism that stabilizes the viscous fluid is enhanced dissipation. The enhanced dissipation is closely related to the regularity and size of the perturbations for the nonlinear system, so the stability threshold problem is raised. In this talk, I will first review some previous results about nonlinear enhanced dissipation for 2D Couette flow. Then I will present recent joint work with Li and Masmoudi, where we first obtained the relationship between the size and the regularity of initial perturbation that leads to the asymptotic stability. Evidence will also be given to show that such a relationship is optimal.
报告人简介:赵威任,毕业于浙江大学(2007-2016);2016-2018在北京大学数学科学学院从事博士后研究工作;2018-至今在纽约大学(Abu Dhabi)获得博士后、助理教授职位。主要专长在于调和分析及其在流体力学中的应用,已在CPAM, Memoirs AMS, ARMA, JMPA, Adv Math,CPDE, JFA, SIAM JMA, Ann PDE等国际著名数学期刊发表二十篇论文。