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2022-09-16 16:10     (点击:)

报告题目:Second order accurate in time and unconditionally energy stable algorithms for MHD system

人:张国栋(烟台大学 副教授)

会议时间:2022/09/21 15:00-16:30

会议地点:腾讯会议 会议号:209-889-454

报告摘要:In this talk, we discuss second-order temporal accuracy schemes for MHD equations. We first talk second order in time, linear, unconditionally stable scheme with coupled structure. The unconditional energy stability and convergence with optimal rates are proved. The Crank-Nicolson/Adams-Bashforth scheme, linearized Crank-Nicolson’s scheme and extrapolated Gear’s scheme are compared with our developed scheme. Then we discuss second-order accurate, linear, fully decoupled, and unconditionally stable scheme. This scheme is constructed by "zero-energy-functional" method satisfied by the nonlinear coupled terms. The developed scheme splits the coupled nonlinear, and saddle point type MHD system into several elliptic problems with constant coefficient. Finally, some benchmark simulations are presented.


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