报告题目:Well-posedness of damped Navier-Stokes equations
报 告 人:于幻(北京信息科技大学)
报告时间:2022年8月10日 9:30开始
报告摘要:In this talk, the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with damping term $|u|^{β-1}u$ is considered. First, I will present the existence and uniqueness of axisymmetric solution for any $1≤β≤ 7/3$, by an elementary and clear method. Second, I will prove that the weak solutions decay to zero in $L^2(R^3)$ as time tends to infinity for any $β≧1$, by developing local-in-space estimate for weak solutions. Besides, some decay properties in spatial variables for weak solutions are established.
报告人简介:于幻,博士,北京信息科技大学副教授。主要从事流体方程的数学理论研究,在Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Journal of Functional Analysis, Journal of Differential Equations, Nonlinearity, Asymptotic Analysis等著名刊物发表学术论文10余篇。曾先后访问普林斯顿大学,剑桥大学,香港中文大学进行学术交流。主持国家自然科学基金一项,北京市自然科学基金一项。