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2022-07-07 14:49     (点击:)

题目:Randomized Algorithms for the Computation of the Approximate T-UTV and its Applications

报告人魏益民 教授 (复旦大学)

时间20220708 晚上700 开始

地点腾讯会议 916 663 754

摘要:This talk is devoted to the definition and computation of the tensor complete orthogonal decomposition of a third-order tensor called t-URV decompositions. We first give the definition for the t-URV decomposition of a third-order tensor and derive a deterministic algorithm for computing the t-URV. We then present a randomized algorithm to approximate t-URV, named compressed randomized t-URV (cort-URV). Note that t-URV and cort-URV are extensions of URV and compressed randomized URV from the matrix case to the tensor case, respectively. We also establish the deterministic and average-case error bounds for this algorithm. Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm via several numerical examples, where we apply cort-URV to compress the data tensors from some image and video databases.

报告人信息魏益民,复旦大学数学科学学院的教授、计算数学专业的博士生导师,从事矩阵计算的理论和应用研究二十余年。1997年在复旦大学数学研究所获得理学博士学位,是上海市应用数学重点实验室的研究人员,曾获得上海市高校优秀青年教师和上海市“曙光”学者的称号;获得上海市自然科学三等奖。魏益民已在国际学术期刊发表论文一百余篇;并在科学出版社出版了三本著作和一本英语教材:《广义逆:理论与计算》(英)(王国荣、魏益民和乔三正,2004);《数值线性代数及其应用》(英)(金小庆和魏益民,2004);《偏微分方程数值解的有效条件数》(英)(李子才、黄宏财和魏益民等,2013);《广义逆的符号模式》(卜长江和魏益民,2014)。魏益民曾主持国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金项目和973项目的子课题;目前正主持国家自然科学基金项目,担任国际学术期刊《Comput. Appl. Math.》和《J. Appl. Math. Comput.》和《高校计算数学学报》的编委。

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