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2022-05-19 22:02     (点击:)

报告题目:Making a tournament k-strong

人:Anders Yeo(南丹麦大学 教授

报告时间:2022525 15:00开始



会议ID 844-526-994

报告摘要:A digraph is k-strong if it has n ≥ k+1 vertices and every induced subdigraph on at least n−k+1 vertices is strongly connected. A tournament is a digraph with no pair of non-adjacent vertices. We prove that every tournament on n ≥ k+1 vertices can be made k-strong by adding no more than k(k+1)/2 arcs. This solves a conjecture from 1994. A digraph is semicomplete if there is at least one arc between any pair of distinct vertices x, y. Since every semicomplete digraph contains a spanning tournament, the result above also holds for semicomplete digraphs. Our result also implies that every semicomplete digraph on at least 3k−1 vertices can be made k-strong by reversing no more than k(k+1)/2 arcs.

报告人简介:Anders Yeo南丹麦大学(University of Southern Denmark)数学与计算机系教授。博士毕业于丹麦奥登塞大学(Odense University),师从J. Bang-Jensen教授G. Gutin教授。主要研究领域为图论、组合优化、算法与计算复杂性。担任Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science期刊编委。在Springer出版社出版学术著作2部;在Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series BCombinatoricaJournal of Graph TheorySIAM Journal on Discrete MathematicsCombinatorics, Probability and ComputingEuropean Journal of CombinatoricsAlgorithmica图论组合、理论计算机科学领域的主流期刊上发表学术论文190多篇。

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