报告题目(title):Approximation algorithms for multiprocessor scheduling with testing
报告地点(Venue):Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 977 8757 1812
Passcode: 034457
报告摘要(Abstract): Part I. Scheduling with testing is a semi-online variant that has been recently studied. Mapping to various real-life applications where a preliminary action, operation or test can be executed before processing a job, in this talk, I will introduce the scheduling models and the existing approximation algorithms for two typical objective functions, makespan and the total job completion time. I will highlight the algorithm design ideas and the associated performance analysis techniques.
报告人简介:Dr. Guohui Lin is currently a Professor of Computing Science at the University of Alberta, with tenure. He was an Assistant and then an Associate Professor at the same university since 2001. He obtained his PhD degree in Operations Research, specialized in Combinatorial Optimization, in 1998 from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Thesis Supervisor Dr. Ding-Zhu Du); and he obtained Master of Science and Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics in 1995 and 1993, respectively, from the Zhejiang University. Dr. Lin has two lines of research interests, one is Combinatorial Optimization, mostly on approximability and inapproximability, and the other is Bioinformatics, especially on cattle genomics and human proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics.