报告题目: Global Well-posedness for 2D Zakharov-Kuznetsov Equation in Sobolev spaces of Negative Indices
报 告 人:单敏捷(中央民族大学 副教授)
会议时间:2021/11/26 07:00开始
会议ID:391 594 625
报告摘要: The Cauchy problem for 2D Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation is shown to be global well-posed for the initial date in Hs provided s>-1/13. As conservation laws are invalid in Sobolev spaces below L2, we construct an almost conserved quantity using multilinear correction term following the I-method. In this paper, we use bilinear Strichartz estimate and the nonlinear Loomis-Whitney inequality to handle the resonant interactions.