报告题目:Intersection de Rham complexes in positive characteristic
报 告 人:张泽宝(北京大学 副研究员)
会议时间:2021/11/20 08:00开始
会议 ID:818 209 704
报告摘要:Ogus, Vologodsky and Schepler established a correspondence between the categories of nilpotent logarithmic flat bundles and of nilpotent logarithmic Higgs bundles. Under this correspondence, they generalized the decomposition theorem of Deligne-Illusie in a large extent. We give an intersection version of this generalized decomposition theorem with some applications. This is a joint work with Mao Sheng.
报告人简介:张泽宝,在中国科学技术大学取得博士学位,现任职于北京大学国际数学中心,主要研究领域为代数几何, 其在若干重要的经典难题上取得了重要进展,尤其是对Deligne-Illusie分解理论做出了重要的推广,受到国际同行广泛赞誉。