报告题目:Conjugate Curvilinear Coordinate Nets
报 告 人:Maxim Pavlov(俄罗斯科学院列别德夫物理研究所 教授)
会议时间:2021/11/4 14:00开始
会议地点: zoom 会议号: 95844448644 密码:123456
报告摘要:In this talk, we discuss a recent work on the ramification bound for the nearby cycle complex of an étale sheaf ramifications along the special fiber of a regular scheme semi-stable over an equal characteristic henselian trait, which extends a main result in a joint work with Teyssier in 2019 and answers a conjecture of Leal in a geometric situation. The main ingredient in this project is a decreasing property of highest Abbes and Saito’s ramification slopes of étale sheaves after pull-backs.