报告题目: On the hard phase fluid with free boundary in Minkowski spacetime
报 告 人:缪爽(武汉大学 教授)
会议时间:2021/9/24 14:00开始
报告摘要: The hard phase model is an idealized model for a relativistic fluid where the sound speed approaches the speed of light. This work consists of two results: First, we prove the well-posedness of this model in Sobolev spaces. Second, we give a rigorous justification of the non-relativistic limit for this model as the speed of light approaches infinity. This is joint work with Sohrab Shahshahani and Sijue Wu.
任教授至今。他取得的主要研究成果在以下三个方面:揭示了三维电磁激波的形成机制;证明了星体自由界面的形变可以从根本上影响两体运动的轨迹;得到了临界波映照方程能量集中爆破解的刚性和稳定性。曾获得2014年新世界数学奖博士论文银奖,其系列工作发表在Inventiones Mathematicae, Cambridge Journal of Mathematics, Duke Mathematical Journal, Communications in Mathematical Physics,和Annals of PDE等国际数学一流期刊。