报告题目:Affine invariant maps for log-concave functions
报 告 人:李奔( Tel Aviv University 助理教授)
会议 ID:615 936 200
报告摘要:Affine invariant points and maps for sets were introduced by Grunbaum to study the symmetry structure of convex sets. I will introduce these notions to a functional setting. We will show some typical examples for affine invariant points. Moreover, I will briefly connect this notion to recent progress on functionalization of convex geometry. This is a joint work with Schuett and Werner.
报告人简要:李奔博士,2018年毕业于美国 Case Western Reserve University 数学系。现在 Tel Aviv University 从事研究教学工作。主要研究方向为几何泛函分析,仿射凸几何,在仿射凸几何的几大经典课题上做出了系列成果。