报告题目:Observable sets, potentials and Schrodinger equations.
报 告 人:黄山林(华中科技大学 副教授)
会议ID:766 868 394
报告摘要:In this talk, we first recall some basic definitions about observable sets and observability inequalities for the Schrodinger equation.Then we present characterizations of observable sets for the free Schrodinger equation as well as the Schrodinger equation with potentials x^{2m} in 1-dim. From these, we can see how potentials affect the observability (including the geometric structures of observable sets and the minimal observable time).Besides, we also discuss some supplemental results for the Schrodinger equation for the harmonic oscillator in higher dimensions. This work is jointed with Gengsheng Wang and Ming Wang.
副教授。 主要研究兴趣是调和分析与薛定谔算子谱理论及其在控制论的应用。相关研究工作发表在AJM, JFA, JDE等国际重要学术期刊。 与国际著名数学家C. Sogge, A. Soffer等合作在重要分析课题上取得了系列成果,并与控制论专家汪更生教授等在数学控制论上做出了系列工作。