报告题目:Resolvable Designs and (k,r)-colorings of Complete Graphs
报 告 人:沈灏,上海交通大学,教授
报告摘要:A (k,r)-coloring of a complete graph K is a coloring of the edges of K with u colors such that all monochramatic connected subgraphs have at most k ertices. The Ramsey number f(k,r) is the smallest number u such that the complete graph K with u vertices does not admit a (k,r)-coloring. In this talk, we use resolvable designs to study this (k,r)-coloring problem and give some new results.
专家简介:上海交通大学数学系教授;主要从事组合设计与编码理论的研究。在设计的嵌入问题,可分解设计的存在性与构造问题的研究中取得了一系列系统性结果,在利用有限典型群和纠错码理论构造3-设计等问题的研究中取得若干重要进展。发表论文80余篇,出版专著《组合设计理论》。曾获国家教委“有突出贡献的回国留学人员”、“全国优秀教师”和“上海市教学名师” 等称号。曾任中国数学会理事,中国组合数学与图论学会理事,国际SCI期刊《Journal of Combinatorial Designs》与《Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography》编委。