报 告 人:陈勇 华东师范大学,教授,博导
报告题目:Blowup for Projected 2-dimensional C^2 Solutions
of Compressible Euler Equations with Coriolis Force
报 告 人:Manwai Yuen(阮文威),香港教育大学,教授
报告摘要:Compressible Euler equations with Coriolis force are the fundamental model in the study of atmospheric dynamics. In this article, we study the lifespan of the projected 2-dimensional C^2 non-vacuum solutions of the compressible Euler equations with Coriolis force. We _rst locate the vortex equations for the compressible Euler equations with Coriolis force and then use the integration method to prove that the corresponding blowup results exist for the rotational C^2.
报告题目:Propagation of short waves in ferrites with damping and inhomogeneous exchange effects
报 告 人:林机,浙江师范大学,教授
报告摘要:We have investigated solutions of the KMM system in two cases for s=0 and s≠0) by the CTE method and the Painlevé-Bācklund transformation, for the case(s=0), the KMM system is integrable. There are many new type structures of solutions obtained., such as breather soliton, multipole instanton and rogue waves. Rogue waves have different structures including butterfly-type, X-type and Y-type ones. We also study in details the effects of Gilbert-damping and inhomogeneous exchange on the propagation of short waves in various saturated garnet ferrites.
报告题目:Integrable semi-discretizations of two generalized short pulse equations
报 告 人:冯宝峰,美国德克萨斯大学大河谷分校(UTRGV),教授
报告摘要:Recently, Hone, Novikov and Wang have given a list of generalized short pulse equations which are integrable. Among them, three are related to the 3-reductions of BKP/CKP hierarchies. In this talk, we will focus on two generalized short pulse (gSP) equations which are not known until Hone et al.'s work. We will construct their integrable semi-discretizations based on their connections of 3-reduction of negative BKP/CKP hierarchies.