报告题目: Energy-Aware Real-Time Task Scheduling on Local/Shared Memory Systems
报 告 人: 李闽溟 (香港城市大学)
报告摘要:The rapid development of the Real-Time and Embedded System (RTES) has increased the requirement on the processing capabilities of sensors, mobile phones and smart devices, etc. Meanwhile, energy efficiency techniques are in desperate need as most devices in RTES are battery powered. Following the above two trends, this work explores the memory system energy efficiency for a general multi-core architecture. This architecture integrates a local memory in each processing core, with a large off-chip memory shared among multiple cores. Decisions need to be made on whether tasks will be executed with the shared memory or the local memory to minimize the total energy consumption within real-time constraints. This paper proposes optimal schemes as well as a polynomial-time approximation algorithm with constant ratio.
报告人简介:李闽溟,浙江宁波人,于2002年及2006年在清华大学获得学士学位与博士学位,现任香港城市大学计算科学系副教授,他的研究方向主要为选址博弈中的机制设计以及节能调度中的优化问题。在基金方面主持并完成了4项香港政府的优配研究金,目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目。在SIAM Journal on Computing, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, Algorithmica等国际顶级及知名期刊和会议上发表了百余篇论文。曾任多届INFOCOM,COCOON以及COCOA的TPC。