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2019-11-28 15:15     (点击:)

报 告 人:香港大学博士后 高瑜博士



报告题目:A dispersive regularization for the modified Camassa-Holm equation

报告摘要:In this talk, we will discuss traveling wave solutions and peakon weak solutions of the modified Camassa-Holm (mCH). The typical traveling wave solutions given by the corresponding Hamiltonian ODE system are unbounded or multi-valued. We provide a method, called patching technic, to truncate these traveling wave solutions and patch different segments to obtain patched bounded single-valued peakon weak solutions which satisfy jump conditions at peakons. Then, we study some special peakon weak solutions constructed by the fundamental solution of the Helmholtz operator, which can also be obtained by the patching technic. At last, we will talk about some length and total signed area preserving closed planar curve flows that can be described by the mCH equation, for which we give a Hamiltonian structure and use the patched periodic peakon weak solutions to investigate loops with peakons.

报告人简介:高瑜,香港大学博士后。2008年至2018年在哈尔滨工业大学攻读本科和博士学位,导师为薛小平教授 。2015年9月至2017年4月在美国杜克大学联合培养,联培导师为刘建国教授。主要从事非线偏微分方程相关的研究,比如Camassa-Holm类型浅水波方程以及Vlasov-Poisson型kinetic方程等等。目前已有五篇论文被接收发表于国际期刊SIAM J. Math. Anal. (2篇), Math. Methods Appl. Sci., Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B., 以及Physica D. 高瑜博士题为《基于粒子方法的两类偏微分方程的适定性研究》的博士毕业论文于2018年获得新世界数学奖博士学位论文金奖。

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