报告题目:Rogue wave and continuous limit theory of the semi-discrete generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation
报告简介:Starting from the discrete spectral problem, we derive a semi-discrete generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation. N-fold Darboux transformation is constructed by using a general Darboux matrix instead of N iterations. Rogue wave solutions up to third order are obtained; in which fundamental, triplet and circular rogue wave patterns are shown. Besides, using the contour line method, we study the localization characters including the length, width, and area of the first-order rogue wave of the semi-discrete generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation and we conjecture the maximum value of N-th order fundamental rogue wave is |q_n^{[N]}|_{max}=[(4c^2)^{N}+(2N+1)(4c^2+1)^{N-1}]c. Finally, Lax pair, modulation instability and rogue waves of the continuous generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation are re-obtained ed by means of the continuum limit of above results.