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2019-04-17 13:07     (点击:)

报告题目:Approximation algorithms for graph partition into balanced connected subgraphs

报告人: Guohui Lin(林国辉)

University of Alberta, Canada(加拿大阿尔伯特大学) 教授



报告摘要: Given a simple connected graph G = (V, E) and a constant integer k >= 2, we seek to partition the vertex set V into k non-empty parts such that the subgraph induced on each part is connected, and the maximum-size of these parts is minimized. We refer this problem to as "graph partition into k balanced connected subgraphs" (k-BGP). The vertex-weighted version of this problem on trees has been studied since about four decades ago, which admits a linear time exact algorithm. On general graphs, k-BGP is NP-hard for every constant k >= 2; from existing approximation results for a closely related edge-weighted variant, k-BGP can be approximated within k. In this paper, we present a 4/3-approximation for 2-BGP and a k/2-approximation algorithm for k-BGP, for any constant k >= 3. Furthermore, for 4-BGP, we propose an improved 15/8-approximation. To these purposes, we have designed several local improvement operations, which could be useful for related graph partition problems.

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