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甬江数学讲坛459讲(2024年第45讲)-Targeted Optimal Treatment Regime Learning Using Summary Statistics
2024-06-21 14:20     (点击:)

报告时间:2024627 900开始

人: 杨淑北卡罗来纳州立大学 教授

报告地点 9-218 

报告题目:Targeted Optimal Treatment Regime Learning Using Summary Statistics

报告摘要:Personalized decision-making, aiming to derive optimal individualized treatment rules (ITRs) based on individual characteristics, has recently attracted increasing attention in many fields, such as medicine, social services, and economics. Current literature mainly focuses on estimating ITRs from a single source population. In real-world applications, the distribution of a target population can be different from that of the source population. Therefore, ITRs learned by existing methods may not generalize well to the target population. Due to privacy concerns and other practical issues, individual-level data from the target population is often unavailable, making ITR learning more challenging. We consider an ITR estimation problem where the source and target populations may be heterogeneous, individual data is available from the source population, and only the summary information of covariates, such as moments, is accessible from the target population. We develop a weighting framework that tailors an ITR for a given target population by leveraging the available summary statistics. Specifically, we propose a calibrated augmented inverse probability weighted estimator of the value function for the target population and estimate an optimal ITR by maximizing this estimator within a class of pre-specified ITRs. We show that the proposed calibrated estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal even with flexible semi/nonparametric models for nuisance function approximation, and the variance of the value estimator can be consistently estimated. We demonstrate the empirical performance of the proposed method using simulation studies and a real application to an eICU dataset as the source sample and a MIMIC-III dataset as the target sample.

报告人简介:Shu Yang is a Goodnight Early Career Innovator, and University Faculty Scholar at North Carolina State University. She received her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Statistics from Iowa State University and postdoctoral training at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Her primary research interest is causal inference and data integration, particularly with applications to comparative effectiveness research in health studies. She also works extensively on methods for missing data and spatial statistics. She has been Principal Investigator for several U.S. NSF, NIH, and FDA research projects. She is one of the recent recipients of the COPSS Emerging Leader Award.

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