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09/2011-10/2012 美国马里兰大学帕克分校 应用数学系 国家联合培养博士 马里兰,美国
09/2007-07/2013 同济大学测绘与地理信息学院 地图制图与地理信息工程 硕博连读 上海
09/2003-07/2007 同济大学测量与国土信息工程系 测绘工程 学士 上海
12/2019-至今 宁波大学地理科学与旅游文化学院 教授,博士生导师 宁波,浙江
11/2015-11/2019 宁波大学地理与空间信息技术系 副教授,硕士生导师 宁波,浙江
11/2013-11/2015 宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院 讲师 宁波,浙江
09/2014-12/2016 武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室 博士后 武汉,湖北
02/2017-01/2018 美国密西西比州立大学 电子与计算机工程系 访问学者 密西西比,美国
l 2021年国家自然科学YQ
l 2021年中国测绘科学技术奖二等奖(排名第1)
l 2020年省w“青年拔尖”(浙江省遥感唯一)
l 2020年浙江省高校领军人才计划“高层次拔尖人才”
l 2020年宁波大学“最受学生欢迎的教授”(全校共5人)
l 2019年浙江省高校“院士结对培养青年英才计划”(导师:李建成院士)
l 2019年第一届中国湿地遥感大会“优秀青年学术报告奖”
l 2019年浙江省科协“育才工程”(浙江省测绘学会唯一)
l 2019年全国高校GIS青年教师讲课竞赛二等奖
l 2018年浙江省地理学会首届“浙江省青年地理科技奖”(全省共5人,浙江省遥感唯一)
l 2018年宁波大学“青年学术创新奖”
l 2018年浙江省杰出青年基金获得者(地学共5人)
l 2018年宁波大学“优秀共产党党员”
l 2017年浙江省高校中青年学科带头人
l 2017年宁波市领军和拔尖人才培养工程
l 2017年宁波大学真诚奖教学金“课程改革创新奖”获得者
l 2017年宁波大学首届“王宽诚青年学者”(1/4)
Bobo Xi, Jiaojiao Li, Yunsong Li,Rui Song, Weiwei Sun, et al. Multiscale Context-Aware Ensemble Deep KELM for Efficient Hyperspectral Image Classification[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020.
J Peng, Weiwei Sun*, F Jiang, H Chen, Y Zhou, Q Du. A General Loss-Based Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2020.
Chen C, He X, Liu Z, Weiwei Sun, et al. Analysis of regional economic development based on land use and land cover change information derived from Landsat imagery[J]. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1): 1-16.
J. Peng, Y. Zhou, Weiwei Sun*, Q. Du and L. Xia, Self-Paced Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020.
Meng, X, Xiong, Y, Shao, F, Shen, H, Weiwei Sun, et al.A Large-Scale Benchmark Data Set for Evaluating Pansharpening Performance: Overview and implementation[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 2020.
Weiwei Sun*, J. Peng, G. Yang and Q. Du. Fast and Latent Low-Rank Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection[J], IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp. 3906-3915, 2020.
Mingchang Wang, Haiming Zhang, Weiwei Sun, et al. A Coarse-to-Fine Deep Learning Based Land Use Change Detection Method for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images[J]. Remote Sensing.2020, 12(12).
Kai Ren, Weiwei Sun, Xiangchao Meng*, et al. Fusing China GF-5 Hyperspectral Data with GF-1, GF-2 and Sentinel-2A Multispectral Data: Which Methods Should Be Used? [J]. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(5): 882.
Liu, Y, YinNian Liu, De-Xin Sun, XiaoNing Hu, Xiang Ye, YunDuan Li, ShuFeng Liu, KaiQin Cao, MengYang Chai, Jing Zhang, Ying Zhang, WeiWei Sun, et al. The Advanced Hyperspectral Imager: Aboard China's GaoFen-5 Satellite[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 2019. 7(4): p. 23-32.
Yang W, Peng J, Weiwei Sun*, et al. Log-Euclidean Kernel-Based Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019, 12(12): 5023-5034.
Wenqi Fan, Tianhui Wei, Jiangtao Peng, Weiwei Sun. Ideal Regularized Kernel Subspace Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Hyperspectral Image Classification[C]. 2019 10th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp), Shanghai, China, 2019, pp. 1-4
Weiwei Sun, Kai Ren, Gang Yang, et al. Investigating GF-5 Hyperspectral and GF-1 Multispectral Data Fusion Methods for Multitemporal Change Analysis[J]2019 10th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp), Shanghai, China, 2019, pp. 1-4.
Weiyue Li, Xiaogang He, Weiwei Sun, et al. Evaluating three satellite-based precipitation products of different spatial resolutions in Shanghai based on upscaling of rain gauge[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing,2019, 40(15):5875-5891
Gang Yang, Leilei Jiao, Weiwei Sun*, et al. Fine Classification Comparison of GF-1 GF-5 and Landsat-8 Remote Sensing Data Based on Optimized Sample Selection Method[C]. IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, 2019, pp. 3081-3084.
Weiwei Sun*, Gang Yang, Jialin Li. Robust multi-feature spectral clustering for hyperspectral band selection[C]. IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, 2019, pp. 3800-3803.
Tianhui Wei, Wenqi Fan, Jiangtao Peng, Weiwei Sun. Correlation Alignment Based on Sparse Matrix Transform for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Hyperspectral Image Classification[C]. IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, 2019, pp. 2698-2701.
Weiwei Sun, Gang Yang, Jiangtao Peng*, Qian Du. Hyperspectral band selection using weighted kernel regularization[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019, 12(9): 3665-3676.
Weiwei Sun*, Qian Du. Hyperspectral band selection: A review[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 2019, 7(2): 118-139.
Weiwei Sun, Gang Yang, Jiangtao Peng*, Qian Du. Lateral-slice sparse tensor robust principal component analysis for hyperspectral image classification[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019, 17(1): 107-111.
Chiru Ge, Qian Du, Wei Li, Yunsong Li, Weiwei Sun*. Hyperspectral and LiDAR data classification using kernel collaborative representation based residual fusion[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019, 12(6): 1963-1973.
Weiyue Li, Weiwei Sun*, Xiaogang He,et al. Improving CHIRPS daily satellite-precipitation products using coarser ground observations[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019, 16(11): 1678-1682.
Gang Yang, Weiwei Sun*, Huanfeng Shen, et al. An integrated method for reconstructing daily MODIS land surface temperature data[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019, 12(3): 1026-1040
Jiangtao Peng, Weiwei Sun*, et al. Discriminative transfer joint matching for domain adaptation in hyperspectral image classification[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019, 16(6): 972-976.
Leilei Jiao, Weiwei Sun*, Gang Yang, et al. A hierarchical classification framework of satellite multispectral/hyperspectral images for mapping coastal wetlands[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(19): 2238.
Fei Li, Weiwei Sun*, Gang Yang, et al. Investigating spatiotemporal patterns of surface urban heat islands in the Hangzhou Metropolitan Area, China, 2000–2015[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(13): 1553.
Zhenqun Hua, Weiwei Sun*, Gang Yang, et al.A full-coverage daily average PM2. 5 retrieval method with two-stage IVW fused MODIS C6 AOD and two-stage GAM model[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(13): 1558.
Li Weiyue, He Xiaogang, Weiwei Sun, et al. Evaluating three satellite-based precipitation products of different spatial resolutions in Shanghai based on upscaling of rain gauge[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2019, 40(15):5875-5891.
Li Wang, Jiangtao Peng, Weiwei Sun. Spatial–spectral squeeze-and-excitation residual network for hyperspectral image classification[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(7): 884.
Shaoming Zhang, Ruize Wu, Kunyuan Xu, Jianmei Wang, Weiwei Sun. R-CNN-based ship detection from high resolution remote sensing imagery[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(6): 631.
Yunsong Li, Chiru Ge, Weiwei Sun, et al. Hyperspectral and LiDAR data fusion classification using superpixel segmentation-based local pixel neighborhood preserving embedding[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(5): 550.
Weiwei Sun*, Jun Ma, Gang Yang, Weiyue Li. Statistical and hydrological evaluations of multi-satellite precipitation products over Fujiang river basin in humid southeast China[J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(12): 1898.
Xiangchao Meng, Huanfeng Shen, Qiangqiang Yuan, Huifang Li, Liangpei Zhang, Weiwei Sun. Pansharpening for cloud-contaminated very high-resolution remote sensing images[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 57(5): 2840-2854.
Jiangtao Peng, Weiwei Sun*, Qian Du. Self-paced joint sparse representation for the classification of hyperspectral images[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 57(2): 1183-1194.
Weiwei Sun*, Gang Yang, Jialin Li, et al.Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Using Compressed Columnwise Robust Principal Component Analysis,IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia, 2018, pp. 6372-6375
Man Jiang, Weiwei Sun*, Gang Yang, et al. Auxiliary Modelling Variables Seasonal for GWR the of Yangtze Daily PM River 2.5 Delta[J]. Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Pollution, 2017. 9: p. 346.
Gang Yang, Huanfeng Shen, Weiwei Sun, et al. On the generation of gapless and seamless daily surface reflectance data[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 56(8): 4289-4306.
Weiwei Sun*, Long Tian, Yan Xu, et al. A randomized subspace learning based anomaly detector for hyperspectral imagery[J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(3): 417.
Weiwei Sun*, Gang Yang, Jialin Li, et al. Randomized subspace-based robust principal component analysis for hyperspectral anomaly detection[J]. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2018, 12(1): 015015.
Jun Ma, Weiwei Sun*, Gang Yang, et al. Hydrological analysis using satellite remote sensing big data and CREST model[J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 9006-9016.
Weiwei Sun*, Ruisheng Wang, Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation of very high resolution remotely sensed images combined with DSM[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2018, 15(3): 474-478.
Huimin Lu, Meiliang Zhang, Weiwei Sun*, et al. Expansion analysis of yangtze river delta urban agglomeration using dmsp/ols nighttime light imagery for 1993 to 2012[J]. International Journal of Geo-Information, 2018, 7(2): 52.
Weiwei Sun*, Qian Du. Graph-regularized fast and robust principal component analysis for hyperspectral band selection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 56(6): 3185-3195
Qin Jiang, Weiyue Li, Jiahong Wen, Can Qiu, Weiwei Sun, et al. Accuracy evaluation of two high-resolution satellite-based rainfall products: TRMM 3B42V7 and CMORPH in Shanghai[J]. Water, 2018, 10(1): 40.
Weiwei Sun*, Fei Li, Gang Yang. Urban Thermal Environment Dynamics: A Case Study in Hangzhou During 2005-2015[J]. AGUFM, 2017, 2017: GC51E-0839.
Weiwei Sun*, Gang Yang, Ke Wu, et al. Pure endmember extraction using robust kernel archetypoid analysis for hyperspectral imagery[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2017, 131: 147-159.
Weiwei Sun*, Gang Yang, Ke Wu, et al. Fast and robust self-representation method for hyperspectral band selection[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, 10(11): 5087-5098.
Ke Wu, Yanfei Zhong, Xianmin Wang, Weiwei Sun. A novel approach to subpixel land-cover change detection based on a supervised back-propagation neural network for remotely sensed images with different resolutions[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2017, 14(10): 1750-1754.
Weiwei Sun*, Chun Liu, Yan Xu, Long Tian, Weiyue Li. A band-weighted support vector machine method for hyperspectral imagery classification[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2017, 14(10): 1710-1714.
Weiwei Sun*, Dianfa Zhang, Yan Xu, et al. A probabilistic weighted archetypal analysis method with earth mover’s distance for endmember extraction from hyperspectral imagery[J]. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(8): 841.
Weiwei Sun*, Jun Ma, Gang Yang, et al. A Poisson nonnegative matrix factorization method with parameter subspace clustering constraint for endmember extraction in hyperspectral imagery[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2017, 128: 27-39.
Weiwei Sun*, Bo Du, Shaolong Xiong. Quantifying sub-pixel surface water coverage in urban environments using low-albedo fraction from Landsat imagery[J]. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(5): 428.
Weiwei Sun*, Gang Yang, Bo Du, Lefei Zhang, Liangpei Zhang. A Sparse Low-Rank Near-Isometric Linear Embedding Method for Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Imagery Classification[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017.
Jiang M, Weiwei Sun*, Yang G, et al. Modelling Seasonal GWR of Daily PM2. 5 with Proper Auxiliary Variables for the Yangtze River Delta[J]. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(4): 346
WeiYue Li, Chun Liu, Marco Scaioni, WeiWei Sun, et al. Spatio-temporal analysis and simulation on shallow rainfall-induced landslides in China using landslide susceptibility dynamics and rainfall ID thresholds[J]. Science China Earth Sciences, 2017, 60(4): 720-732.
Weiwei Sun*, Liu C, Sun Y, et al. Extracting pure endmembers using symmetric sparse representation for hyperspectral imagery[J]. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2016, 10(4): 045023-045023.
Weiyue Li, Chun Liu, Yang Hong, Manabendra Saharia, Weiwei Sun, Dongjing Yao and Wen Cheng. Rainstorm-induced shallow landslides process and evaluation-a case study from three hot spots, China. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. 2016.
Weiwei Sun*, Liangpei Zhang, Bo Du. Feature extraction using near-isometric linear embeddings for hyperspectral imagery classification, 2016 8th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), Los Angeles, CA, 2016, pp. 1-4.
Weiwei Sun*, Yang G, Wu K, et al. Pure endmember extraction using robust kernel archetypoid analysis for hyperspectral imagery[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2017, 131: 147-159.
Weiyue Li, Chun Liu, Yang Hong, Xinhua Zhang, Zhanming Wan, Manabendra Saharia, Weiwei Sun, Dongjing Yao, Wen Chen, Sheng Chen. A Public Cloud-based China’s Landslide Inventory Database (CsLID): Development, Zone, and Spatiotemporal Analysis for Significant Historical Events, 1949-2011[J]. Journal of Mountain. 2016, doi: 10.1007/s11629-015-3659-7.
Weiwei Sun*, Zhang L, Zhang L, et al. A dissimilarity-weighted sparse self-representation method for band selection in hyperspectral imagery classification[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2016, 9(9): 4374-4388.
Weiwei Sun*, Man Jiang, Weiyue Li and Yinnian Liu. A Symmetric Sparse Representation Based Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification[J]. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8(3): 238-254.
Weiwei Sun*, Bo Du, Weiyue Li and Yenming Mark Lai. Band Selection using Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Thresholded Earth’s Mover Distance for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification[J]. Earth Science Informatics, pp 1-12,2015.
Weiwei Sun*, Liangpei Zhang, Bo Du. A sparse self-representation method for band selection in hyperspectral imagery classification[C].2015 7th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS). IEEE, 2015: 1-4.
Weiwei Sun*, Liangpei Zhang, Bo Du, et al. Band selection using improved sparse subspace clustering for hyperspectral imagery classification[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2015, 8(6): 2784-2797.
Weiwei. Sun*, C. Liu, Y. M. Lai, B. Shi and W. Li. Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition based Anomaly Detection for Hyperspectral Imagery [J]. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2014.
Weiwei Sun*, Avener Halevy, W. Czaja, J. J. Benedetto, C Liu, B Shi and W. Li. UL-Isomap based Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction for Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 89, pp.25-36, 2014.
Weiwei Sun*, Avner Halevy, John J, et al. Nonlinear dimensionality reduction via the ENH-LTSA method for hyperspectral image classification[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2013, 7(2): 375-388.
Weiwei Sun*. Theoryand MethodsofDimensionality Reduction Using Manifold Learning for Hyperspectral Imagery[J]. Acta Geodaeticaet Cartographica Sinica, 2014, 43(4): 439.
Chun Liu, Weiyue Li, Hangbin Wu, Ping Lu, Kai Sang, Weiwei Sun, et al. Susceptibility evaluation and mapping of China’s landslides based on multi-source data. Natural hazards, 2013, 69(3), 1477-1495.
Hangbin Wu, Chun Liu*, Zhang Y, Weiwei Sun, et al. Building a water feature extraction model by integrating aerial image and lidar point clouds[J]. International journal of remote sensing, 2013, 34(21): 7691-7705.
Weiwei Sun*, Chun Liu, Beiqi Shi, et al. Low-dimension manifold feature extraction of hyperspectral imagery using dimension reduction with Isomap[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2013, 38(6): 642-647.
Shi Beiqi, Liu Chun, Weiwei Sun, Wu HangBin. Residential Area Recognition using Oscillatory correlation segmentation of Hyperspectral Imagery. 2011 International Symposium on Image and Data Fusion (ISIDF 2011), Tengchong, Yunnan, China, pp. 1-4, 2011.
Weiwei Sun, Liu C, Shi B, et al. Improved L-Isomap for classification of hyperspectral imagery via vector quantization[C]. Proceedings of 2012 4th Workshop on IEEE Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing (WHISPERS), pp.1-4, 2012.
Weiwei Sun, C. Liu. Manifold coordinates repairing of Boundary points with PLS for Isomap dimensionality reduction of Hyperspectral image [C].Proceeding of International Workshop on Multi-platform Multi-sensor Remote Sensing and Mapping, Xiamen, China, 10-12 Jan, 2011, pp.1-6.
Shi Beiqi, Liu Chun, Weiwei Sun, Wu HangBin. Residential Area Recognition using Oscillatory correlation segmentation of Hyperspectral Imagery. 2011 International Symposium on Image and Data Fusion (ISIDF 2011), Tengchong, Yunnan, China, pp. 1-4, 2011.
Liu., C, Weiwei Sun and Hangbin Wu. Determination of complexity factor and its relationship with accuracy of representation for DEM terrain[J]. Geo-Spatial Information Science, 2010, 13(4): 249-256.
Hangbin Wu, Chun Liu, Yunling Zhang, Weiwei Sun. Water Feature Extraction from Aerial-Image Fused with Airborne LiDAR Data[C], Urban Remote Sensing Joint Event, 2009, 09, Beijing, China
WeiWei Sun, Jun Ma, Gang Yang, et al. Improved kernel symmetric sparse representation based band selection for hyperspectral imagery[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 52(4): 687-693. 科研项目:
2022.01-2024.12,项目名称:国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目“海岸带高光谱遥感”,资助单位:国家自然科学基金委员会 主要工作:项目负责人,提出多源卫星遥感的海岸带精细分析理论与方法
2020.01-2023.12,项目名称:国家自然科学基金面上项目“多时相高光谱遥感自适应解混的滨海湿地精细变化分析”,资助单位:国家自然科学基金委员会 主要工作:项目负责人,提出多时相自适应解混理论来研究滨海湿地的精细变化分析
2019.01-2020.12,项目名称:国家重点实验室开放基金“流形正则化鲁棒核原型分析的高光谱解混研究”,资助单位:武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室基金 主要工作:项目负责人,利用流形政策化的原型分析方法来研究高光谱的混合像元分解技术
2019.01-2022.12,项目名称:浙江省自然科学杰出青年基金项目“领域自适应的高光谱遥感智能分类与滨海湿地应用”,资助单位:浙江省自然科学基金委员会 主要工作:项目负责人,利用领域自适应理论来研究大场景滨海湿地高光谱智能分类
2018.01-2018.12,项目名称:重点实验室开放基金“基于改进对称稀疏表达的高光谱影像波段选择研究”,资助单位:地球观测与时空信息科学国家测绘地理信息局重点实验室 主要工作:项目负责人,研究高光谱影像快速对称稀疏表达的波段选择前沿理论和方法
2017.01-2020.12,项目名称:国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于高光谱多特征协同稀疏表达的滨海湿地精细分类研究”,资助单位:国家自然科学基金委员会 主要工作:项目负责人,利用多特征协同稀疏表达理论来研究滨海湿地地物的精细分类问题
2017.01-2021.12,项目名称:国家自然科学基金-浙江两化融合联合基金“基于多源多时相异质影像集成的滨海湿地演化遥感监测技术与应用研究”,资助单位:国家自然科学基金委员会 主要工作:副组长,子课题负责人,研究遥感影像的智能解译和多源遥感影像集成的监测技术
2016.09-2018.09,项目名称:宁波自然科学基金项目“基于HJ-1遥感技术的宁波地区PM2.5浓度的高时空分辨率演化研究”,资助单位:宁波市科技局 主要工作:项目负责人,利用HJ-1卫星遥感影像研究PM2.5浓度的高时空反演模型
2016.06-2018.02,项目名称:中国博士后科学基金特别资助“多源遥感的时空融合技术用于滨海湿地的演化分析”,资助单位:中国博士后科学基金会 主要工作:项目负责人,研究利用遥感时空融合技术来精确分析杭州湾湿地的时空演化特征
2016.04-2017.12,项目名称:浙江省公益技术应用项目“基于三维GIS技术的城市暴雨洪涝灾害预报信息系统研发-以宁波市为例”,资助单位:浙江省科学技术厅 主要工作:项目负责人,研发基于三维GIS的城市洪涝灾害预报信息系统平台
2016.01-2016.12, 项目名称:重点实验室开放基金“基于稀疏自表达的高光谱影像波段选择研究”,资助单位:对地观测技术国家测绘地理信息局重点实验室 主要工作:项目负责人,研究高光谱影像稀疏自表达的波段选择前沿理论和方法
2015.07-2016.12, 项目名称:重点实验室开放基金“近30年来中国海岸带滩涂范围演变与建模技术研究”,资助单位:航空遥感技术国家测绘地理信息局重点实验室 主要工作:项目负责人,利用遥感技术来研究我国海岸带滩涂范围变迁和演化特征
2015.02-2017.02,项目名称:中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助“基于流形学习的海岸带浅海水深反演”,资助单位:中国博士后科学基金会 主要工作:项目负责人,利用流形学习来研究海岸带的浅海水深反演
2015.01-2017.12,项目名称:国家自然科学青年基金“面向海岸线精确提取的高光谱影像流形学习研究”,资助单位:国家自然科学基金委员会 主要工作:项目负责人,研究高光谱影像流形学习来精确提取海岸线
2015.01-2016.12,项目名称:宁波大学校科研基金“基于高光谱影像解混的近海赤潮精细识别研究”,资助单位:宁波大学 主要工作:项目负责人,研究高光谱影像解混技术来精细识别并提取近海赤潮信息
2014.10-2016.10,项目名称:浙江省教育厅科研项目“基于流形学习的高光谱影像精确提取研究”,资助单位:浙江省教育厅 主要工作:项目负责人,研究引入流形学习方法来精确提取海岸线
2014.05-2016.12,项目名称:宁波社发领域科技攻关项目“基于GIS的宁波市域建筑物震害风险评估与预警信息研发”,资助单位:宁波市科技局 主要工作:第2参与人,研究利用GIS技术评估地震对宁波市域建筑物的损害与灾害预警
2014.06-2015.06,项目名称:宁波大学重点学科项目“高光谱影像流形学习精确提取海岸线研究”,资助单位:宁波大学 主要工作:项目负责人,研究利用非线性流形学习特征提取方法来精确提取海岸线
2014.02-2016.01,项目名称:宁波市自然科学基金“基于GIS的城市公共设施空间分布合理性研究-以宁波医疗卫生设施为例”,资助单位:宁波市科技局 主要工作:项目负责人,研究基于GIS空间分析技术的宁波城市公共设施空间分布合理性
2014.04-2014.11,项目名称:宁波市发展与改革委员会项目“宁波海洋经济数据库建设研究”,资助单位:宁波市发展与改革委员会 主要工作:项目负责人,研究宁波海洋经济数据库建设实施方案和可行性分析
2013.12-2014.12,项目名称:浙江省哲学社会科学重点研究基地课题“基于网络GIS的中国海洋经济信息系统建设”,资助单位:浙江省海洋文化与经济研究中心 主要工作:项目负责人,研究利用网络GIS技术建设中国海洋经济信息数据库
2012.09-2013.02, 项目名称:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)“近百年极地冰层和全球及典型区域海平面变化机理精密定量研究”,资助单位:国家科技部 主要工作:博士论文主要支撑,项目研究骨干,负责高光谱影像流形学习非线性降维理论研究
2009.06-2010.04,项目名称:杭州市智能交通信息平台一期工程 主要工作:项目骨干成员,负责城市复杂道路网GIS数据模型研究及数据库构建
2009.08-2011.08,项目名称:融合LiDAR和高光谱遥感数据的地物空间特征分析,资助单位:上海市教委资助项目(ID:10ZZ25) 主要工作:项目骨干成员,负责高光谱遥感影像非线性降维研究