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2021-09-14 16:53     (点击:)





E-mail qiuchangxin@navbocai.com


1. 基于机器学习的偏微分方程求解算法Machine Learning (Neural network) for PDEs (Hyperbolic, Diffusion, High-dimensional PDEs)

2. 间断有限元Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods; High order positivity-preserving

3. 高效集成模拟算法Ensemble Simulation Models and Algorithms

4. Navier-Stokes-Darcy耦合系统的区域分解方法Domain Decomposition Methods for Navier-Stokes-Darcy system


2015.08-2019.07    美国Missouri University of Science and Technology 博士(Advisor: Dr. Xiaoming He, Co-advisor: Nan Jiang)


2021.09-至今       宁波大学博彩导航  副教授

2019.08-2021.08  美国Iowa State University 博士后 (Supervisor: Jue Yan)


To Be Appeared

1. C. Qiu, X. He, B. Li and Y. Lin. A semi-implicit multi-step non-iterative domain decomposition method for the unsteady Navier-Stokes-Darcy model, to be submitted.

2. L. Song and C. Qiu. A weight residual error estimator for the Stokes interface problem: lower order conforming elements with discontinuous pressure, to be submitted.

3. C. Qiu, J. Beattie, Z. Xing, Z. Yang and J. Yan. Cell-average based neural network method for high order partial differential equations, to be submitted.

Submitted and Appeared

1. C. Qiu and J. Yan. Cell-average based neural network method for hyperbolic and parabolic partial differential equations, submitted to Journal of Computational Physics.

2. C. Qiu, A. Bendickson, J. Kalyanapu and J. Yan. Accuracy and Architecture Studies of Residual Neural Network Solving Ordinary Differential Equations, submitted to Journal of Computational Physics.

3. J. Hou, D. Hu, X. He and C. Qiu. Modeling and a Robin-type decoupled finite element method for dual-porosity-Navier-Stokes system with application to flows for

multistage fractured horizontal wellbore, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, accepted.

4. N. Jiang and C. Qiu. Numerical analysis of a second order ensemble algorithm for numerical approximation of stochastic Stokes-Darcy equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, accepted.

5. Z. Yang, J. Ming, C. Qiu, M. Li and X. He. A multigrid multilevel Monte Carlo method for Stokes-Darcy model with random hydraulic conductivity and Beavers-Joseph condition, submitted to Journal of Computational Physics.

6. C. Qiu, Q. Liu and J. Yan. Third order positivity-preserving direct discontinuous Galerkin method with interface correction for chemotaxis Keller-Segel equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 433: 110191, 2021.

7. Y. Xing, L. Song, X. He and C. Qiu. The generalized finite difference method for solving elliptic interface problem, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 178: 109-124, 2020.

8. C. Qiu, X. He and J. Li. A domain decomposition method for the time-dependent Navier-Stokes-Darcy model with Beavers-Joseph interface condition and defective boundary condition, Journal of Computational Physics, 411:109400, 2020.

9. Md. Abdullah, X. He, N. Nasu, C. Qiu, Y. Wang and H. Zheng. A coupled multi-physics model and a decoupled stabilized finite element method for closed-loop geothermal system, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 42(4): B951B982, 2020.

10. X. He, N. Jiang, and C. Qiu. An artificial compressibility ensemble algorithm for a stochastic Stokes-Darcy model with random hydraulic conductivity and interface conditions, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 121(4), 712-739, 2020.

11. Md. Abdullah, X. He, N. Nasu, C. Qiu and H. Zheng. Coupled and decoupled stabilized mixed finite element methods for nonstationary dual-porosity-Stokes fluid flow model, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 120(6): 803-833, 2019.

12. N. Jiang and C. Qiu. An efficient ensemble algorithm for numerical approximation of stochastic Stokes-Darcy equations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 343: 249-275, 2019.

13. C. Qiu, W. Zhao and L. Song. A balanced finite element method of least-squares formulation for singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 33: 299-318, 2016.


1. Invited talk, “Accuracy and Architecture Studies of Residual Neural Network solving ODEs”, Computational and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Iowa State University, October 19, 2020.

2. Invited minisymposium talk, “An Artificial Compressibility Ensemble Method for Stokes-Darcy Model”, The 5th Annual Meeting of SIAM Central States Section, Ames, IA, October 19-20, 2019.

3. Invited minisymposium talk, “An Efficient Ensemble Algorithm for Numerical Approximation of Stochastic Stokes-Darcy Equations”, The Midwest Numerical Analysis Day (MWNADay), Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago, April 20, 2019.

4. Finite Element Circus Spring 2019, Purdue University, March 22-23, 2019.

5. Invited minisymposium talk, “An Efficient Ensemble Algorithm for Numerical Approximation of Stochastic Stokes-Darcy Equations”, 4th Annual Meeting of SIAM Central States Section, Norman, OK, Oct 2018.

6. Invited minisymposium talk, “A Semi-implicit Multi-Physics Domain Decomposition Method for Navier-Stokes-Darcy Model”, 3rd Annual Meeting of SIAM Central States Section, Fort Collins, CO, Sep 2017.

7. Contributed talk, “A Semi-implicit Multi-step Non-iterative Domain Decomposition method for Navier-Stokes-Darcy Model”, Midwest Numerical Analysis Day, Omaha, Nebraska, April 2017.

8. Invited minisymposium talk, “A Multi-Physics Domain Decomposition Method for Navier-Stokes-Darcy Model”, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Atlanta, GA, Mar 2017.

9. Contributed talk, “A Domain Decomposition Method for the Time-dependent Navier-Stokes-Darcy system”, 2nd Annual Meeting of SIAM Central States Section, Little Rock, AR, Sep 2016.





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