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2019-03-11 13:34     (点击:)





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1. 非线性控制、随机控制 Nonlinear ControlStochastic Control

2. 广义Hamilton系统 Generalized Hamiltonian Systems


2008.09-2011.11    电子科学技术大学自动化学院   博士生

2001.09-2004.03    南京航空航天大学理学院    硕士生

1997.09-2001.06    安徽师范大学数学系    本科生


2004.04至今     宁波大学数学系 


2019.08-2020.08   加拿大约克大学数学系

2013.07-2013.10   香港中文大学机械工程系


1.W. Wang, Q.Y. Li, Q. Li, Song Xu. Robust optimal investment strategies with exchange rate risk and default risk, Mathematics, 2023, 11(6): 1-17.

2. S. Xu, W. Wang, S.Y. Chen. Robust fault-tolerant control for stochastic port-Hamiltonian systems against actuator faults, Mathematics, 2022, 10(9): 1-14 .

3. S. Xu, W. Wang, S.Y. Chen. Energy-based output regulation for stochastic port-Hamiltonian systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2021, 31(5): 1720- 1734.

4. 徐松, 王伟, 周彩莲. 从格林公式的两种形式看向量场积分的统一性. 大学数学, 2020, 38(1): 49-52.

5. J. Xie, L. Cai, S. Xu. A new computational approach for the solutions of generalized pantograph delay differential equations. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018,

37(2): 1756–1783.

6. J. Xie, L. Cai, S. Xu. A new computational approach for the solutions of generalized pantograph delay differential equations. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018,

37(2): 1756–1783.

7. J. Xie, L. Cai, S. Xu. An effective computational method for solving linear multi-point boundary value problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017, 321:255-266.

8. J. Xie, L. Cai, S. Xu. A new algorithm based on differential transform method for solving multi-point boundary value problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2016, 93(6): 981-994.

9. J. Xie, L. Cai, S. Xu. An efective numerical method to solve a class of nonlinear singular boundary value problems using improved differential transform method. SpringerPlus, 2016,  5: 1066-10.

10. S. Xu, X. Hou. A family of H∞ controllers for dissipative Hamiltonian systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2012, 22(11): 1049-8923.

11.S. Xu, X. Hou. A Family of Robust Adaptive Excitation Controllers for Synchronous Generators with Steam Valve via Hamiltonian Function Method. Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2012, 10(1): 1672-6340.

12.X. Hou, S. Xu, J. Shao. Some geometric properties of successive difference substitutions. Science China Information Sciences, 2011, 54(4): 788- 786.

13.S. Xu, X. Hou. A family of adaptive H∞ controllers with full information for dissipative Hamiltonian systems. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2011, 8(2): 1476-8186.


1. 国家自然科学基金数学天元基金:新课标背景下高中数学建模,122265102023.01--2023.12,主持.

2. 浙江省教育厅一般科研项目:非线性输出调节非线性输出调节的Hamilton函数方法及算法实现研究,2014.04-2016.10,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金数学天元基金:基于符号计算的广义Hamilton系统容错控制及其参数化,11226243201301—201312月,主持。


1. 宁波市教学成果奖一等奖:“大数学”国际化复合人才培养的探索与实践,第一完成人:徐松,2023.07

2. 宁波大学教学成果奖二等奖: 多向性数学专业人才培养模式的研究与实践, 第三完成人, 2018




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