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1. 黎曼-芬斯勒几何 Riemann-Finsler Geometry
2. Spray几何 Spray Geometry
2002.09-2007.06 浙江大学数学系 博士生
1998.09-2002.06 浙江大学数学系 本科生
2014.12 -至今 宁波大学数学系 教授
2009.09-2014.12 宁波大学数学系 副教授
2007.06-2009.09 宁波大学数学系 讲师
2013.06-2013.09 美国印第安纳普渡大学数学系
2011.01-2011.03 香港理工大学应用数学系
2007.07-2007.08 美国国家自然科学基金委
浙江省数学会常务理事、中国数学会会员、《Math Review》评论员
1. B. Li and Z. Shen, Sprays of isotropic curvature, Inter. Jour. Math, 29(1), (2018), 1850003, 12 pages.
2. S. Zhou and B. Li, On Landsberg general (alpha, beta)-metrics with a conformal 1-form, Diff. Geom. Appl. 59, (2018), 46-65.
3. X. Wang, W. Liu and B. Li, Dually flat general spherically symmetric Finsler metrics, Sci. China Math., 61(4) (2018), 769-782.
4. X. Wang and B. Li, On Douglas General (alpha, beta)-metrics, Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series, 33(7) (2018), 951-968.
5. B. Li and Z. Shen, On a class of locally projectively flat Finsler metrics, Inter. Jour. Math. , Vol. 27, No. 6 , (2016), 1650052, 13 pages.
6. W. Liu and B. Li, Projectively flat Finsler metrics defined by the Euclidean metric and related 1-forms, Diff. Geom. Appl. 46, (2016), 14-24.
7. B. Li and Z. Shen, Ricci Curvature Tensor and non-Riemannian Quantities, Can. Math. Bulle. 58 (2015), 530-537.
8. B. Li, On the classification of projectively flat Finsler metrics with constant flag curvature, Adv. Math. 257 (2014), 266-284.
9. B. Li, On dually flat Finsler metrics, Diff. Geom. Appl. 31, (2013),718–724.
10. B. Xu, B. Li, On a class of projectively flat Finsler metrics with flag curvature K=1, Diff. Geo. Appl. 31, (2013), 524–532.
11. B. Li, Z. Shen, Projectively Flat Fourth Root Finsler Metrics, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, Vol. 55(1) (2012), 138-145.
12. D. Zu, S. Zhang, B. Li, On Berwald m-th Root Finsler Metrics, Publi. Math. Debrecen, 80/1-2, 2012, 169-177.
13. B. Li, Z. Shen, On Randers metrics of quadratic Riemann curvature, Inter. Jour. Math, Vol.20, No. 3 (2009) 369-376.
14. B. Li, Y.B. Shen, Z. Shen, On a class of Douglas metrics , Studia. Sci. Math. Hungarica, Vol.46, No. 3 (2009) 355-365.
15. B. Li, Z. Shen, On a class of weak Landsberg metrics, Science in China Series A, 50(2007) No. 4, 573-589.
16. B. Li, Z. Shen, On a class of projectively flat Finsler metrics with constant flag curvature, Inter. Jour. Math, Vol.18, No. 7 (2007) 749-760.
17. B. Li, On some special projectively flat (α,β)-metrics, Publi. Math. Debrecen, 71/3-4(2007), 295-304.
18. B. Li, Projectively flat Matsumoto metrics and its approximation, Acta Mathematica Scientia, Series B, 27(2007) No.4, 781-789.
1. 浙江省自然科学基金杰出青年项目:Finsler几何中具有特殊性质的度量,LR18A010002,2018年1月—2021年12月,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:Finsler几何中的度量与几何流,11371209,2014年1月—2017年12月,主持。
3. 浙江省自然科学基金一般项目:某些具有特殊射影性质和曲率性质的Finsler度量,LY13A010013,2013年1月—2015年12月,主持。
4. 宁波市自然科学基金项目:具有特殊几何性质的Finsler度量研究,2013A610101,2013年2月—2015年2月,主持。
5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:由黎曼度量与多种形式构成的 Finsler 度量的几何性质,10801080,2009年01月—2011年12月,主持。
6. 宁波市自然科学基金项目:Finsler几何中由Riemann度量与其他形式构成的一些特殊度量的几何性质研究,2008A610014,2008年02月—2010年2月,主持。
1. 2015年:2013-2014年度宁波市自然科学优秀论文二等奖。
1. “Sprays and Finsler metrics with special curvature properties”, 2018 International Conference on Riemann-Finsler Geometry and Related Topics, Xiamen, China, July, 2018
2. “Projectively flat Finsler metrics and sprays”, Annual Conference on Mathematics in China 2017, Xiangtan, China, October, 2017
3. “Finsler metrics with special geodesics”, Young Geometric Analysts Forum 2017, Sanya, China, January, 2017
4. “Finsler metrics with special scalar flag curvature”, International Conference Differential Geometry and Its Applications 2016, Brno, Czech Republic, July, 2016
5. “On dually flat Finsler metrics and related metrics”, 2013 International Conference on Riemann-Finsler Geometry and Related Topics, Zhengzhou, China, May, 2013
6. “Some special projectively flat Finsler metrics”, 2012 International Conference on Riemann-Finsler Geometry and Related Topics, Chongqing, China, May, 2012
7. “Eigenvector fields on m-th root Finsler metric”, International Conference on the spectral theory of the tensor, Tianjing, China, May, 2012
8. “M-th root Finsler metrics and its applications”, 2011 International Conference on Riemann-Finsler Geometry and Related Topics, Hangzhou, China, June, 2011
9. “On projectively flat fourth root metrics”, Work shop on Finsler geometry and its Applications, Debrecen, Hungary, May, 2009
10. “ Projective geometry of (alpha, beta)-metrics” , International Conference on Riemann-Finsler Geometry, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, USA, February, 2008
11. “On a class of weak Landsberg metrics”, 2007 International Symposium on Riemann-Finsler Geometry, Center of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China, July, 2007
12. “Projectively flat metrics”, International Conference on Geometric Topology and Geometric Analysis, Center of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China, June, 2007
13. “On a class of projectively flat Finsler metrics with constant flag curvature”, Conference on Integral Geometry, Geometric Inequalities, Finsler Geometry and Convexity Related Topics, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin, China, December, 2006
14. “A class of projectively flat Finsler metrics with constant flag curvature”, Conferences on Geometry and Analysis, Center of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China, December, 2006
1. 主讲本科《解析几何》、《微分几何》、《高等数学》、《线性代数》等。
2. 主讲研究生《微分几何》等课程。