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2019-03-11 13:26     (点击:)


Last name: Qu First name: Changzheng

Birth Date: March 14, 1965

Birth Place: Weinan, Shaan Xi

Sex: Male Citizenship: P. R. China


School of Mathematics and Statistics,

Ningbo University,

Ningbo 315211, P. R. China  Fax: 86-57487609976,

Office phone: 86-574-87609976

Mobile phone86-18868930209 Email: [email protected]


Ph.D.  1993 in Partial Differential Equations, Lanzhou University, China

M.S.   1988 in Mathematics, Lanzhou University, China

B.S.    1985 in Mathematics, Lanzhou University, China


2019-Present  Professor and Dean

     School of Mathematics and Statistics

                       Ningbo University

                       Ningbo 315211, P. R. China

2012-2018      Professor

     Faculty of Science

                       Ningbo University

                       Ningbo 315211, P. R. China

1997-2011      Professor and Head (2002-2009)

     Department of Mathematics

     Northwest University

       Xian 710069China

1995-1997     Associate Professor

      Department of Mathematics

      Northwest University

        Xi’an 710069, China

1988-1990    Assistant Professor  

       Department of Mathematics

       Northwest University

       Xi’an 710069, China


1. June 1997, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2. December 1997--July 1998, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3. January-November 1999, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

4. February-May 2000, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5. October 2000-August 2001, University of Salamanca, Spain

6. February-August 2002, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

7. January -May 2003, Institute of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

8. January -December 2004, Department of of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Canada

9. July-August 2005, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

10.  January-February 2006, Department of Mathematics, TU Clausthal,  Germany

11.  June 2007, Department of Mathematics, Iowa University, USA

12. August 2011- February 2012, School of Mathematics, Minnesota University, USA


Integrability and analysis of Camassa-Holm-type equations

Invariant geometrical flows and integrable systems

Hamiltonian structure of integrable systems

Symmetries and geometric properties of nonlinear evolution equations


72. Olver Peter, Qu, Changzheng, Yang Yun, Feature matching and heat flow in centro-affine geometry, SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 16 (2020) 093, 22 pages.  

71.  Li Yingying, Fu Ying, Qu Changzheng, The Camassa-Holm system with peaked solutions. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 40 (2020) 5929–5954.

70. Zhao Min, Qu Changzheng, The two-component Novikov-type systems with peaked solutions and H^1-conservation law, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal. Doi: 10.3934/cpaa.2020245, in press. (Dedicated to the celebration of the 80th birthday of Professor of Shuxing Chen )  

69. Jing Kang, Xiaochuan Liu, Peter Olver, Changzheng Qu, Liouville correspondences between multicomponent integrable hierarchies, Theor. Math. Phys. 204 (2020) 843-874.

68. Qu Changzheng, Fu Ying, On Cauchy problem and peakons of a two-component Novikov system, Science China Mathematics, 63 (2020) 1965-1996.

67. Qu Changzheng, Fu Ying, Curvature blow-up for the higher-order Camassa-Holm equations, J. Dynamics and Differential Equations, 32 (2020) 1901-1939.

66.Guo Zihua, Liu Xiaochuan, Liu Xingxing, Qu Changzheng, Stability of peakons for the generalized modified Camassa-Holm equation, J. Differential Equations, 266 (2019) 7749–7779.  

65. Wo Weifeng, Wang Xiaoliu, Qu Changzheng, The centro-affine invariant geometric heat flow. Math. Z. 288 (2018) 311–331.

64. Kang Jing, Liu Xiaochuan, Olver Peter., Qu Changzheng, Bäcklund transformations for tri-Hamiltonian dual structures of multi-component integrable systems. J. Integrable Syst. 2 (2017) xyw016, 43 pages.

63. Fu Ying, Qu Changzheng, Well-posedness and wave breaking of the degenerate Novikov equation. J. Differential Equations 263 (2017) 4634–4657.

62. Kang Jing, Liu Xiaochuan, Olver Peter J., Qu Changzheng, Liouville correspondences between integrable hierarchies. SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 13 (2017). 035, 26 pages.

61. Song Junfeng, Qu Changzheng,  Yao Ruoxia, Integrable systems and invariant curve flows in symplectic Grassmannian space Physica D 349 (2017) 1–11.

60. Ma Feiyao, Liu Yue, Qu Changzheng, Wave-breaking phenomena for the nonlocal Whitham-type equations. J. Differential Equations 261 (2016) 6029–6054.

59. Chen Ming, Liu Xiaochuan, Liu Yue, Qu Changzheng, Orbital stability of the two-component Camassa-Holm peakons, Cal. Var. PDEs, 56 (2016) 34-57.

58. Chen Ming, Guo Fei, Liu Yue, Qu Changzheng, Analysis on the blow up of solutions to a class of integrable peakon equations, J. Funct. Anal., 270 (2016) 2343-2374.

57. Kang Jing, Liu Xiaochuan, Olver Peter, Qu Changzheng, Liouville correspondence between the modified KdV hierarchy and its dual integrable hierarchyJ. Nonlin. Sci., 26 (2016) 141-170.

56. Chen Robin Ming, Liu Yue, Qu Changzheng, Zhang Shuanghu, Oscillation-induced blow-up to the modified Camassa–Holm equation with linear dispersion. Adv. Math. 272 (2015), 225–251.

55. Qu Changzheng, Fu Ying, Liu Yue, Blow-up solutions and peakons to a generalized μ-Camassa-Holm integrable equation, Comm. Math. Phys. 331 (2014) 375–416.

54. Liu Xiaochuan, Liu Yue, Qu Changzheng Orbital stability of the train of peakons for an integrable modified Camassa-Holm equation, Adv. Math. 255 (2014) 1–37.

53. Qu Changzheng, Fu Ying, Liu Yue, Blow-up solutions and peakons to a generalized Camassa-Holm equation, Comm. Math. Phys., 331 (2014) 375–416.

52. Liu Xiaochuan, Liu Yue, Qu Changzheng, Orbital stability of the train of peakons for an integrable modified Camassa-Holm equation, Adv. Math., 2014, 255 (4), 1-37.

51. Qu Changzheng, Fu Ying, Liu Yue, Well-posedness wave breaking and peakons for a modified µ-Camassa–Holm equation, J. Funct. Anal., 266 (2014433-477.

50. Wo Weifeng, Ma Feiyao, Qu Changzheng, A hyperbolic-type affine invariant curve flow, Comm. Anal. Geom., 22 (2014) 219–245.

49. Qu Changzheng, Zhang Ying, Orbital stability of periodic peakons to a generalized µ-Camassa-Holm equation, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 211 (2014) 593-617.

48. Liu Xiaochuan, Liu Yue, Qu Changzheng, Stability of peakons for the Novikov equation, J. Math. Pure Appl., 101 (2014) 172-187.

47. Gui Guilong, Liu Yue, Olver Peter J., Qu Changzheng, On the Cauchy problem for the integrable Camassa-Holm type equation with cubic nonlinearity, Comm. Math. Phys., 319 (2013) 31–759.

46. Qu Changzheng, Liu Xiaochuan, Liu Yue, Stability of peakons for an integrable modified Camassa-Holm equation, Comm. Math. Phys., 322 (2013) 967–997.

45. Liu Yue, Qu Changzheng, Zhang Ying, Stability of periodic peakons for the modified µ-Camassa-Holm equation, Physica D, 250201366-74.

44. Qu Changzheng, Ji Lina, Invariant subspaces and conditional Lie-Bäcklund symmetries of inhomogeneous nonlinear diffusion equations, Sci. China Math., 56 (2013) 2187–2203.

43. Fu Ying, Gui Guilong, Liu Yue, Qu Changzheng, On the Cauchy problem for the integrable modified Camassa-Holm equation with cubic nonlinearity. J. Differential Equations, 255 (2013) 1905–1938.

42. Zhang Ying, Liu Yue, Qu Changzheng, Blow-up of solutions and traveling waves to the two component µ-Camassa-Holm system, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2013 (2013) 3386-3419.

41. Qu Changzheng, Song Junfeng, Yao Ruoxia, Multi-component integrable systems with peaked solitons and invariant curve flows in certain geometries, SIGMA, 2013(2013) 19 pages.

40. Zhu Min, Liu YueQu Changzheng, On the model of the compressible hyperelastic rods and Euler equations on the circle, J. Differential Equations, 254 (2013) 648–659.

39. Fu Ying, Liu Yue, Qu Changzheng, On the blow-up structure for the generalized periodic Camassa-Holm and Degasperis-Procesi equations, J. Funct. Anal. 262 (2012) 3125–3158.

38. Song Junfeng, Qu Changzheng, Integrable systems and invariant curve flows in centro-equiaffine symplectic geometry, Physica D 241 (2012) 393–402.

37. Kang Jing, Qu Changzheng, Symmetry groups and fundamental solutions for systems of parabolic equations, J. Math. Phys. 53 (2012) 023509, 21 pages.

36. Ji Lina, Qu Changzheng, Conditional Lie-Bäcklund symmetries and invariant subspaces to non-linear diffusion equations. IMA J. Appl. Math. 76 (2011) 610–632.

35. Huang Qing, Qu Changzheng, Zhdanov Renat, Group-theoretical framework for potential symmetries of evolution equations, J. Math. Phys., 52 (2011), 023514, 11 pages.

34Kang Jing, Qu Changzheng, Hodograph-type transformations for linearization of systems of nonlinear diffusion equations, Stud. Appl. Math. 124 (2010) 247–281.

33. Li Yanyan, Qu Changzheng, Shu Shichang, Integrable motions of curves in projective geometries, J. Geom. Phys. 60 (2010) 972–985.

32. Ji Lina, Qu Changzheng, Ye Yaojun, Solutions and symmetry reductions of the n-dimensional non-linear convection-diffusion equations, IMA. J. Appl. Math. 75 (2010) 17-55.

31. Fu Ying, Liu Yue, Qu Changzheng, Well-posedness and blow-up solution for a modified two-component periodic Camassa-Holm system with peakons, Math. Ann. 348 (2010) 415-448.

30. Fu Ying, Qu Changzheng, Well-posedeness and blow-up solution for a new coupled Camassa-Holm equations with peakons, J. Math. Phys. 50 (2009012906, 25 pages.

29. Ji Lina, Qu Changzheng, Conditional Lie-Backlund symmetries and solutions to (n+1)-dimensional nonlinear diffusion equations, J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007103509.

28. Qu Changzheng, Ji Lina and Wang Lizhen, Conditional Lie Backlund symmetries and sign-invariants to nonlinear diffusion equations, Stud. Appl. Math. 119 (2007) 355-391.

27. Zhu Chunrong, Qu Changzheng, Invariant sets and solutions to the generalized thin film equation, Science in China. 119 (2007) 355-391.

26. Qu Changzheng Potential symmetries to systems of nonlinear diffusion equations, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007) 1757-1773.

25. Wo Weifeng, Qu Changzheng, Integrable motions of curves in S^1×R, J. Geom. Phys. 57 (2007) 1733-1755.

24. Huang Qing, Qu Changzheng, Symmetries and invariant solutions for the geometric heat flows, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007) 9343-9360.

23. Zhang Dongbo, Qu Changzheng, The WKI model of type II arises from motion of curves in $E^3$, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan74 (2005) 2941-2944.

22. Qu Changzheng, Invariant geometric motions of space curves, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3519 (2005) 139-151.

21. Qu Changzheng, Yao Ruoxia and Liu Ruochen, Multi-component mKdV equations and their conservation laws, Phys. Lett. A 331 (2004) 325-331.

20. Chou Kai-Seng, Qu Changzheng, Optimal systems and group classification of (1+2)-dimensional heat equation, Acta Appl Math. 83 (2004) 257-287.

19. Chou Kai-Seng, Qu Changzheng, Motions of curves in similarity geometries and Burgers-mKdV hierarchies, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19 (2004) 47-53.

18. P. G. Estevez, Qu Changzheng, Extended groups of rotations and scale transformations for nonlinear evolution equations, Theor Math. Phys.137 (2003) 74-86.

17. Zhang Shunli, Lou Senyue, Qu Changzheng, New variable separation approach: application to nonlinear diffusion equations, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36 (2003) 12223-12242.

16. Chou Kai-Seng, Qu Changzheng, Integrable equations arising from motions of plane curves, II. J. Nonlin. Sci. 13 (2003) 487-517.

15. Estevez P. G., Qu Changzheng, Separation of variables in nonlinear wave equations with variable wave speed, Theor Math. Phys. 133 (2002) 202-210.

14. Qu Changzheng, Integrable Equations and Motion of Plane curves, Proceedings of institute of nlinear Mathematics of NAS Ukraine, (2002) Vol.43.part 1, 281-290.

13. Chou Kai-Seng, Qu Changzheng, Geometric Motions of Surfaces and 2+1-dimensional Integrable Equations, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71 (2002) 1039-1043.

12. Chou Kai-Seng, Qu Changzheng, Integrable equations arising from the motion of plane curves, Physica D 162 (2002) 9-33.

11. Chou Kai-Seng, Qu Changzheng, The KdV equation and motion of plane curves, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70 (2001) 1912-1916.

10. He Wenli and Dou Jihong, Qu Changzheng, Separation of and exact solutions of a generalized nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations, Prog. Theor. Phys. 105 (2001) 379-398.

9. Kara A., Mahomed F., Qu Changzheng, Approximate potential symmetries for partial differential equations, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33 (2000) 6601-6613.

8. Qu Changzheng, Zhang Shunli and Liu Ruochen, Separation of variables and exact solutions to quasilinear diffusion equations with the nonlinear source, Physica D, 144 (2000) 97-123.

7. Qu Changzheng, New exact solutions to the Fujita's equation, Journal Physical Society of Japan 69 (2000) 1-6.

6. F. Mahomed, Qu Changzheng, Approximate conditional symmetries for partial differential equations, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33 (2000) 343-356.

5. Chou Kaiseng, Qu Changzheng, Symmetry groups and separation of variables of a class of nonlinear diffusion-convection equations, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32 (1999) 6271-6287.

4. Qu Changzheng, Exact solutions to nonlinear diffusion equations obtained by generalized conditional symmetry, IMA J. Appl. Math., 62 (1999) 283-302.

3. Qu Changzheng, Group classification and generalized conditional symmetry reduction of the nonlinear diffusion-convection equation with a nonlinear source, Stud. Appl. Math., 99 (1997) 107-136.

2. Qu Changzheng, Allowed transformations and symmetry classes of variable coefficient Burgers equation, IMA J. Appl. Math. 54 (1995) 203-225.

1. Zhao Liu, Qu Changzheng, Heterotic Liouville system from the Bernolli equation, Phys. Lett. A 199 (1995) 349-353.


2020-2024 National Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 11971251, PI;

2017-2021 Key Project of National Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 11631007, PI;

2015-2018 National Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 11471174, PI;

2010-2013 National Science Foundation of China for Distinguished Young Scholars, Grant No. 10925104, PI;

2007-2009 National Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 10671156, PI;

2004-2006 National Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 10371098, PI;

2000-2002 National Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 19901027, PI;


Member of Editorial Board, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 2020-;

Member of Editorial Board, Advance in Mathematics (China), 2019-;

The Associated Editor in Chief, Pure and Appl. Math. (China), 2014-.


1. International Conference on Scientific Comp. Diff. Equat. Innsbruck, July. 22-26, 2019,

2. Hamiltonian Methods and Algebraic Structures for Integrable Systems, in honor of Allan Fordy’s 70th day April 8-12, 2019Sanya, China.

3. 12th AIMS Conference, July5-9Taibei, Taiwan.

4. Math. Meth. Appl.: ANZIAM-ZPAMS Joint Conference, Nov. 11-14, 2016, Hangzhou, China.

5. Special Session on Geometric flows, Integrable systems and Moving frames, Fall Central Section Meeting, Oct. 28-30, 2016, Minnesota, USA.

6. The 9th IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, April 2-6, 2015, Athesis, USA.

7. Workshops on PDEs in Geometry and Physics, March 9-13, 2015, TSIMF, Sanya,China.    

8. Workshop on Applied Analysis, Feb. 24-25, City University, HK.

9. SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, August 11-14, 2014, University of Cambridge, UK.

10. Symmetry Meth. Appl. and Related Fields, May 13-16, UBC, Canada.

11. Nonlinear Waves, Theory and Appl., June 12-15, 2013, Beijing, China.

12. The 8th IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, March 25-28, 2013, Athesis, USA.

13. China-Japan Joint Workshop on Integrable Systems, March 16-19, 2013, Kyoto, Japan.

14. German-Sino Workshop on Analysis of PDEs, & Their Appl., March 4-8, 2013, Gottingen, Germany.

15. 9th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems and Diff. Equations, July1-5 Orlando, USA.

16. Workshop on Frontier Studies in Integrable Systems, Nov. 11-12, 2011, UTPA, USA.

17. Fifth workshop on Group Analysis of Diff. Equations and Integrable Systems, June 6-10, Protaras, Cyprus.

18. The 7th IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, April 3--7, 2011, Athens, USA.

19. Chinese-German Workshop on Partial Differential Equations and Applications, Freiberg, Germany, February 13-120, 2011.

20. Sino-French Workshop on Partial Differential Equations and Applications, Oct. 20-24, 2008, Nakai, Tianjin.

21. Chinese-German Workshop on Partial Differential Equations and Applications in Geometry and Physics, March 2-6, 2009, Konstanz, Germany.

22. The Fourth International Congress of Chinese MathematiciansDecember 17-22, 2007, HangzhouChina.

23. Midwest Geometry Conference, 2007, Iowa, USA.

24. The fifth Chinese-Japan Conference on Differential Geometry, January 28, 2010--February 3, 2011, Okinawa, Japan.

25. Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: Analysis, Computation and Applications, June 2007, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

26. Chinese-Germany PDE Conference, January, 2006, Clausthal, Germany.

27. 2th International Conference on Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, ” June 2001, Kiev.

28. 39th South Africa American Mathematical Society, October, 1999 North University, South Africa.


1. Member of the council of Chinese Mathematical Society;

2. Member of Mathematical Tianyuan Leadership Group of Natural Science Foundation of China



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